"Toppers in VTU 3rd Semester Examination 2023-24 - CSE"
" six-day Faculty Development Program (FDP) on the Internet of Things (IoT) for emerging technology applications. "
"Intelligent Horizons : Exploring the World of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning"
"Graduation Day Ceremony and Alumni Meet for 2023"
"Code Your Way to Crack Dream Company"
""Types of Opportunities in IT industry and current trends""
"Organized Poster Presentation Event for all students on 20/12/2022."
"2019-20 batch"
" Fourth Semester Toppers "
Recent Trends in Computer Science & Technology
A Webinar series
“VM-ware and Linux Platform”
A Technical talk
Outgoing Batch 2018-19
A technical talk on " Cyber Security"
by Mr. Shreyas Hiremath, Alumni
Evolution of Analytics
Technical Talk
Talk on Machine Learning
Dr. P. J. Kulkarni
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
The Computer Science & Engineering department is committed to continuously improve the quality of education by enhancing the knowledge of student and staff members.The department of Computer Science & Engineering with highly qualified staff is well equipped with centralized laboratories having the latest configurations and software tools. The department presents a unique opportunity to study the exciting field with guidance of quality teachers.
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