Cultural Club

The Cultural committee of “ KLE College of Engineering & Technology” is one of the essential committee of our college which consists of enthusiastic staff and student  coordinators, it strives to celebrate the cultural diversity in the campus by organizing cultural activities for the students as well as staff members. The committee intends to create an environment where we can pursue creativity, mutual understanding & teamwork. Cultural committee helps in capturing the vibrant persona of the students by offering them a platform and opportunity to showcase their inner talent as dancers, musicians, actors and also encourages them to participate in various competition and events organized in the campus and off campus events. The committee has successfully organized various events which are conducted in the campus like Movie Screening, Sambhrama, Praxis, Alumni meet and fun week events.

Cultural 2024

Cultural Club Gallery

Latest 2K24:

Sambhrama 2K19:

Xpressions - 2K19:

Movie Club 

The Movie Club inaugurated on 7 November 2014 in our college campus in the presence of Shri Mahesh babu ( Film Birector, Banglore), Shri Ramesh S. Parvinaikar (Film Actor, Director and Producer), Shri S. C. Metgud (Director, Board of management, KLE Society Belagavi) & Principal Dr Prasad Rampure, staff and students. The Movie Club screens the monthly English / Hindi / Inspirational speeches movie at the Open Air Theatre – popularly known as OAT. The Open Air Theatre is located nearby Civil and Mechanical Department. It can accommodate 1000 people and usually plays to packed capacity.

Motto behind Movie Club :
1) To enhance communication skills
2) To get inspiration for positive thinking
3) To lead an enthusiastic life
4) Get some relaxation apart from academics.


— Prof. Pooja Hegaje
Dept. of CIVIL,
Cultural Coordinator
